Dedoose Publications


Dedoose has been field-tested and journal-proven by leading academic institutions and market researchers worldwide. Thousands of prominent researchers across the US and abroad have benefited from early versions of Dedoose in their qualitative and mixed methods work and have laid an outstanding publication and report trail along the way.

Education Based Publications

Pragmatism and the Choice of Research Strategy

Tashakkori, Abbas & Teddlie, Charles (1998)

A. Tashakkori & C. Teddlie, Mixed Methodology: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, pp. 3-19.

Introduces and traces the history of the methodological paradigm wars and brings readers up to the state of affairs (albeit, 1998). Discuss the ‘warring’ positions and the evolution of thinking regarding pragmatism and the development of mixed methods approaches to social science research.
Sociology Based Publications

Systematic Field Observation

McCall, George J. (1984)

Annual Review of Sociology, 10: 263-282

Discusses the history and types of field observation methods from a sociological perspective. Offers a role-expectations view of observation systems requiring a reconceptualization of system development and the nature, sources, and management of error.
Sociology Based Publications

Children of the 1960s at Midlife: Generational Identity and the Family Adaptive Project

Weisner, T. S., & Bernheimer, L. P. (1998)

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, In R. Shweder (Ed.), Welcome to middle age! and Other Cultural Fictions, pp. 211-257

Many of us believe we recognize the symptoms of middle age: lower back pain, mortgages, and an aversion to loud late-night activities. This particular construction of midlife, most often rendered in chronological, biological, and medical terms, has become an accepted reality to European-Americans and has recently spread to such non-Western capitals as Tokyo and New Delhi. Welcome to Middle Age! (And Other Cultural Fictions) explores the significance of this pervasive cultural representation alongside the alternative "fictions" that represent the life course in other regions of the world where middle age does not exist. In this volume, anthropologists, behavioral scientists, and historians explore topics ranging from the Western ideology of "midlife decline" to cultural representations of mature adulthood that operate without the category of middle age. The result is a fascinating, panoramic collection that explores the myths surrounding and the representations of mature adulthood and of those years in the life span from thirty to seventy. Weisner and Bernheimer on the use of qualitative, ethnography and mixed methods chapter on describing the outcomes of a counter-culture group of the 1960s who had been studied longitudinally with attention to their childrearing practices, lifestyle, and children's later social and psychological adaptation.
Sociology Based Publications

Systematic Field Observation

McCall, George J. (1984)

Annual Review of Sociology, 10: 263-282

Discusses the history and types of field observation methods from a sociological perspective. Offers a role-expectations view of observation systems requiring a reconceptualization of system development and the nature, sources, and management of error.
Sociology Based Publications

Cultural Consensus as a Statistical Model

Romney, A. Kimball (1999)

Current Anthropology, 40 (Supplement), S103-S115.

Discusses history, theory, and strategy for the use of statistical models in the discovery of cultural consensus. Introduces issues related to data collection strategy and the use of empirical data to identify and represent cultural characteristics.
Sociology Based Publications

Cultural Consensus Theory: Applications and Frequently Asked Questions

Weller, Susan C. (2007)

Field Methods, 19(4): 339-368

Use of consensus theory to estimate culturally appropriate or "correct" answers to questions and assess individual differences in cultural knowledge. Describes the assumptions, appropriate interview materials, and analytic procedures fro carrying out a consensus analysis.
Sociology Based Publications

Content Analysis of Words in Brief Descriptions: How Mothers and Fathers Describe their Children

Ryan, Gery, & Weisner, Thomas S. (1998)

V. de Munck and E. Sobo (Eds.), Using methods in the field. A practical introduction and casebook, pp. 57-68

Content analysis of parent descriptions of their children toward understanding parental perceptions and attitudes regarding their adolescent children. The data for this article comes from a follow-up survey in the Family Lifestyles Project - a 20-year long longitudinal study of conventional and non-conventional families in the United States.
Sociology Based Publications

Dimensions of Desire: Bridging Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in a Study of Female Adolescent Sexuality

Tolman, Deborah L. & Szalacha, Laura A. (1999)

Psychology of Women Quarterly, 23: 7-39

This study provides an example of how feminist psychology can bridge qualitative and quantitative methods while keeping lived experience at the center of an inquiry. Illustrates how feminist psychology research can bridge qual and quant methods while keeping lived experience as the center of inquiry. A qualitative analyis of interview data is distinguised via quant methods to explore differences in urban and suburban experiences with respect to reported sexual violation. A second qual approach more deeply explores the interaction of location reported violation.
Education Based Publications


Trochin, M. K. (2006)

Introduction and discussion of various sampling approaches
Education Based Publications

A Typology of Mixed Methods Sampling Designs in Social Science Research

Onwuegbuzie, Anthony J. & Collins, K. M. T. (2007)

The Qualitative Report, 12(2), 281-316

Introduces a framework for developing sampling designs in mixed methods research. Discusses sample frames, recommended sample sizes, a typology for classification of strategies, guidance for sampling decisions, and issues related to how sampling decisions impact generalization.
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