Great Research.

Made Easy!

A cross-platform app for analyzing qualitative and mixed methods research with text, photos, audio, videos, spreadsheet data and more

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Dr. Eli Lieber, of UCLA's Center for Culture and health, provides a quick overview of qualitative and mixed methods research and shows how these approaches are enhanced when implementing Dedoose for data management, excerpting, coding, and analysis.
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History of Dedoose Part 4: Inspired by Empathy and Multidisciplinary Collaboration

In the fourth installation of our ongoing video blog series, we continue to learn about the fascinating connection between EFI (Ecology of Family Interaction) and Dedoose. Explore how our founders’ vision emerged from ethnography, and the power of listening to families and parents with children with...

REMINDER: July 1, 2023 Price Increase

The extraordinary growth of Dedoose in recent years has lead us to our first price increase in over 5 years, which will take place July 1, 2023.

History of Dedoose Part 3: The EFI and Using Narratives to Construct Ratings

Today, we return with the origins of Dedoose the product; as both researchers worked to provide a tool that would help them put all of their information together within a single platform. 


Dedoose has a wide variety of users all using Dedoose in different ways to find meaningful insights. Click on the button below to view the featured clients list.

Dedoose provides a powerful base for a wide variety of Market Research Firms.


Dedoose helps market and product researchers analyze and present their findings.

Market Researchers

Dedoose has found extensive use in the Sociology field.


Dedoose is used extensively in and out of the medical field.

Health Researchers

Dedoose is highly utilized in understanding society and relationships to it.

Social Scientists

Browse our education-related publications to see how and where Dedoose helped!

Students and Teachers

Dedoose has been thoroughly utilized in the political research arena.

Policy Researchers

Dedoose is highly utilized in understanding society and relationships to it.




Mon, July 8, 2024 - Mon, July 8, 2024

Descriptors and Quantitative Data - July 8th 10am PST

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Join Dr. Eli Lieber from the Institute for Mixed Methods Research focused on using quantitative descriptors in qualitative and mixed methods data analysis. This 1-hour webinar will cover the foundations of using Descriptors with continuous variable data. Topics include: • Examining distributions and descriptive statistics • Considerations for transformation to categorical data • Analysis possibilities. All registrants will receive a recording of the webinar.

Mon, July 15, 2024 - Mon, July 15, 2024

Descriptors and Qualitative Data - July 15th 9am PST

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Join Dr. Sara Grummert from the Institute for Mixed Methods Research focused on using descriptors in qualitative research. This 1-hour webinar will cover the foundations of using Descriptors with qualitative data. Topics include: • The utility of descriptors • Creating and linking descriptor profiles to interview data and document data • Using dynamic descriptors to track a variable that changes over time (e.g., a pre post study) • Linking multiple data sources to one descriptor profile. All registrants will receive a recording of the webinar.

Thu, July 18, 2024 - Thu, August 15, 2024

Getting Started with Dedoose for Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research - Select your date Starting at 10am PST

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This webinar begins with a basic overview of Dedoose, including some of the advantages of how this cloud-based application can support qualitative and mixed methods research analysis completely online. After a short presentation, your host will do a live demonstration of various features and functions. Topics covered include: - Dedoose Overview and Key Features - Pricing and Organizational Options - Dedoose Terminology - Data Preparation - Importing Data - Coding Data Your host will also connect you to existing resources, upcoming events, and future topical webinars. If you would like to follow along during the live demonstration, please sign up for your 30-day free trial prior to the session by visiting