New to Dedoose or want a primer on how to best use the application? Join our Director of Academic Engagement, Dr. Sara Grummert, as she walks you through Dedoose and its functionality in a prerecorded webinar. Topics include:
These webinars take place weekly if you'd like to join live! View offerings and register below. Other topical webinars are offered quarterly and previous topical webinars on Analysis and the Survey Importer are available via YouTube.
Dr. Grummert from the Institute for Mixed Methods Research (IMMR) will share information about various Dedoose subscriptions before demonstrating key features of the app such as: Creating a Project, Adding Collaborators, and Creating and Applying Codes.
Scholars from the Institute for Mixed Methods Research will demonstrate how to use Dedoose's Auto-Code Wizard and Text Analytics features. They will provide commentary on various settings and how those might align well within various stages of your project and/or method.